At the end of last year the first Complex Plane, the DC-6 from PMDG, was set to hit Xbox and with that a Console for the first time. After the launch and issues came up and the plane got temporary removed from the Store. Since then we havent heard much about the underlying issue.
This changed today during the latest MSFS Dev Q&A. Jörg Neumann, Head of Microsoft Flight Sim, explained the issue as following:
Consoles are a closed system. Everything running on a Console is running in a Sandbox to prevent hacking and other unwanted malicious actions.
A lot of 3rd party planes, like the PMDG DC-6, the Aerosoft CRJ and Twin Otter, use C++ Code which is a risk if not running in a Sandbox. The Team worked on a Sandbox for MSFS which would allow those planes to run safely on Console.
This new system was tested on Devkits where everything just worked fine. A Devkit is essentially the same as a retail Xbox, except some Security things. And those Security Systems prevent the Code from running on the Retail Version and therefor making those planes not usable on Console.
Since MSFS is a big deal at Microsoft, the platform Team from Xbox wants to enable the feature in a way that lets 3rd Party planes run their C++ Code in a safe Sandbox.
And thats the current state of the issue. The Xbox Platform Team along the MSFS Team are working on a solution to enable that functionality in a safe way on Console. And the reality of this is, that its going to take a few months. An exact ETA cant be given since it could range from 1-6 months or beyond.
The MSFS Team is also discussing a different way to bring those Planes to Console, but that could bring further problems once the Platform Team at Xbox has added the Feature mentioned above. The quicker short time solution is still being evaluated from the MSFS Team.
Source: (at around 1:02:30)